onsdag 15 februari 2012

The Characters

There's many animals on Animal Farm. Cows, horses, dogs, hens and sheeps. Animals that usally lives on a farm. All the animals have a role in the book. However, there is 3 characters that have a bigger role than the other animals. 2 of those characters are all pigs. Snowball and Napoleon. You may wonder why they are pigs. It's more or less because pigs are more intelligent than any other animal according to the book. "The work of teaching and organising the others fell naturally upon the pigs, who were generally recognised as being the cleverest of the animals." (Animal Farm, 1945. George Orwell, p. 9). Napoleon is a young boar, fierce-looking Berkshire boar and the only Berkshire boar on the farm. He is not much for a talker, but with a reputation for getting his own way. Snowball is described as followed "Snowball was a more vivacious pig than Napoleon, quicker in speech and more inventive, but was not considered to have the same depth of character." (George Orwell, p. 9). These two are considered as main characters, mostly because of their intellect. They are the ones who organizes the duty for each animal. They are also the only ones to debate when there is any chance to debate. Mostly because they are one of few animals that are even able to debate at all.

The third character is Boxer, a horse, but he has a important role in the book. He is their main sorce of strength. He is strong as three horses together, and his personal motto is "I will work harder!". Without him, they would not survive, they wouldn't even able to harvest the corn. The other animals sees him as a good example, he gets up early to volunteer for extra jobs.

1 kommentar:

  1. Ok!

    The quotation technique is clear now. However, I would like to see a much deeper analysis in general by addressing the different questions in a more extensive way. It seems like you have forgotten to mention your feelings (this can be done without using too personal language).

    1) Who is the character I am about to describe?
    2) What do I think about his or her personality and why?
    3) Describe what the person means to the novel and how he or she has been acting up until the point you have read.
    4)How do those actions make you feel?
